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How the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was Rigged

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    Posted: 21 Feb 2024 at 6:49am

The Vigilant Fox – Feb 20, 2024

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MUST WATCH: Mike Benz makes damning case that the RIG was in for the 2020 election SEVEN MONTHS ahead of time.

How they did it was truly evil.

TUCKER CARLSON: “So what you’re saying is … they knew the outcome of the election seven months before it was held?”

MIKE BENZ: “It looks very bad.”

How did they do it?

According to censorship expert @MikeBenzCyber, a concerted effort, starting in April 2020, was made by a coalition involving the DHS, NATO, the DNC, and other entities to launch a mass censorship campaign across all social media platforms.

This campaign aimed to pre-emptively censor any disputes over the legitimacy of mail-in ballots.

Four key institutions were part of this effort:

  • Stanford University
  • The University of Washington
  • Graphika
  • The Atlantic Council

Benz described these entities as “Pentagon cutouts,” suggesting they were operating under the influence or direction of the Pentagon to carry out the censorship campaign.

These entities pressured and compelled social media companies to adopt a new category of speech violation termed “delegitimization.” This policy was broad in scope, encompassing any form of content that could be interpreted as challenging the legitimacy of mail-in voting, early voting dropboxes, or the tabulation of ballots on election day.

This pressure was not merely advisory but was backed by the implication of potential governmental force or repercussions for non-compliance. This included direct communication channels with tech company executives to facilitate rapid takedown requests.

As a consequence, this concerted censorship effort led to the removal or throttling of potentially hundreds of millions of posts, particularly those questioning the security of mail-in ballots.

The following excerpt from Benz highlights the most important aspect:

“Now, they did this seven months before the election because, at the time, they were worried about the perceived legitimacy of a Biden victory in the case of a so-called ‘red mirage, blue shift event.’

“They knew the only way that Biden would be able to win, mathematically, was through the disproportionate Democrat use of mail-in ballots. They knew there would be a crisis because it was going to look extremely weird if Trump looked like he won by seven states and then, three days later, it came out actually the election switched.

“I mean, that would put the election crisis of the Bush-Gore election on a level of steroids that the national security state said, well, the public will not be prepared for. So what we need to do is we need to, in advance, we need to pre-censor the ability to even question legitimacy. This took out hundreds of key influencers.”

TUCKER CARLSON: “So what you’re saying is … they knew the outcome of the election seven months before it was held?”

MIKE BENZ: “It looks very bad.”


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