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Topic - Top 10 Open Border Stories Of 2024
Posted: 31 Dec 2024 at 6:56am By reaper

Steve Watson – modernity.news Dec 30, 2024

Governments in North America and Europe allowed mass unchecked migration to occur at the expense of their own citizens throughout the year.

  1. German football star says his country is unrecognisable from a decade ago

In July, football star Toni Kroos told a ZDF podcast that Germany is no longer the country it was 10 years ago due to mass migration and that he is staying in Spain because he is afraid to let his daughter go out at night in German cities.

Toni Kroos: Germany is No Longer The Country It Was 10 Years Ago Thanks to Mass Migration

2. Elon warns of something ‘worse than 9/11’ being planned

X owner Elon Musk has once again spoken out on the Biden Administration’s complete neglect to secure the Southern border, and facilitation of mass illegal immigration, warning that with the amount of unvetted foreigners being freely allowed into the country, there is sure to be some major catastrophic event being planned.

Elon Musk Warns “Groundwork Is Being Laid For Something Far Worse Than 9/11”

3. EU outlines severe penalties for countries refusing to open their borders to migrants

In February, the EU passed a migration pact dubbed “the suicide of Europe” which many warned could lead to the continent being flooded with as many as 75 million new migrants.

EU “Suicide Pact” Threatens to Flood Continent With 75 Million More Migrants

4. Nearly half of German welfare goes to foreign migrants

The argument that mass migration is needed to support GDP levels and pay for pensions took another blow when it was revealed 47.3% of welfare recipients in Germany are foreign migrants.

Nearly Half of German Welfare Payments Goes to Foreign Migrants

5. CNN worries that migrant gang rape of a child will help the ‘far right’

After a group of migrants gang-raped a 13-year-old girl in Italy, CNN responded by expressing concern about how it might help the “far-right.”

The network did the Norm MacDonald meme.

Migrant Gang Rape of Child in Italy Prompts CNN to Worry About “Far-Right”

6. Japan to embark on an era of mass foreign migration

Japan appears to be transitioning from a homogenous society to embrace ‘diversity and inclusivity’ by ushering in “an era of mass foreign immigration.”

It’s set to be a massive change for a country that was still up until recently 97.5% ethnic Japanese, according to the CIA World Factbook.

Japan to Embark on an Era of “Mass Foreign Migration”

7. Muhammad is the most popular name for boys in England

Exemplifying demographic changes taking place due to mass migration, the most popular name for boys in England and Wales last year was Muhammad.

Muhammad is The Most Popular Name For Boys in England & Wales

8. This is Germany now

In May, a shocking video of multiple people attacking each other in the street with machetes had many pointing out that it shows how out of control mass immigration is in Germany.

This Is Germany Now: Foreign Migrants Brawl In Street Armed With Machetes

9. German politician fined for citing government stats on rapes by migrants

Also in May and in Germany, a politician was found guilty of ‘incitement’ by a district court after she posted a link to the government’s own statistics on crimes committed by migrants, specifically rape, and asked why they are so disproportionately high.

10. Boston couple signs up to house migrants, gets four delivered immediately

A couple in Boston signed up to a government scheme to house illegal immigrants in their own home and were delivered an entire family of four within an hour.

Boston Couple Sign Up To House Illegal Immigrants, Get FOUR Delivered Within An Hour


Edited by reaper - 31 Dec 2024 at 6:58am

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