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Topic - History of school shootings
Posted: 27 May 2022 at 7:44am By reaper
Bruh I'm looking at the history of school shootings. Mind-blowing, kids brought guns to school until the 70s.

Only 3 school mass shootings between 1903-1966.

What happened?
(Didnt take off until the 90s) 
almost every school shooting from 1800-1960 was targetted at one person.
(One guy shot his teacher in 1866 for bullying his brother and got acquitted. Wild)
School shootings simply didn't happen with any frequency until 1993 
Something went wrong for kids born post 1975
And it got significantly worse for kids born 1996-2001

The early 1900ds it was explosions and bombs there was no mass shootings. 

There was only 1 school shooting in the 1800ds.(1898 Charleston. 6 died

ZERO until 1940 when a highschool principal shot 5 of his colleagues😵‍💫(5 died)
1966 at university of Texas , rose Mar college. (18,5)
No school shooting until 1984....
This is new phenomenon 
School shooting defined as 3 or more dead.
There were a many instances of 1 or 2 people being shot 1800-1970 (revenge, not mostly random). Even that was RARE.

There was an elementary school shooting (5 kids) in the 70s no one died. 

Don't tell me further isolating already mentally fragile kids for 2 years didn't have consequences. This suggests increases are due to isolation and mental issues.
Opioids and suicides were already exploding pre 2020 
America leading the world in substance abuse disorder. Theres Over reliance on pharma.
Dealing with depression and bullying with extreme outcomes IE killing yourself or killing others. (that's also new and unusual)Image
Alot of good points being made.

SSRIs, ritalin, lack of community/socialization/church/purpose for young men, family breakdown , social media, columbine/contagion, LBJ, isolation, lack of social institutions 


Worth also noting the countries with the highest homicide rate (most in southern hemisphere) have strict gun bans 
There have been 18 elementary and highschool shootings from 1776-2022.
1840-1960 (2)
1960-1990 (2) (4 in colleges)
1990-1998 (5) (2 in colleges)
1999-2010 (1) (3 in college)
2010- present (8!) (4 in college)
Almost half of them the past decade, why?Image

Edited by reaper - 27 May 2022 at 7:46am

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