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OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Unearthed text messages show President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, calling his stepmother and current First Lady Jill Biden a “vindictive moron” and things that are much worse.

The texts show Hunter Biden blasting his stepmother following a family argument in late 2018. In one text he sent to the widow of his brother, whom Hunter Biden was dating at the time, he called Jill Biden “selfish” and “entitled.”

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“F*** my stepmother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled c*** as you,” he wrote to Hallie Biden as their brief relationship began to deteriorate.

In another text that he sent to his uncle and frequent business partner James Biden, Hunter recalled an argument with Jill in which he blasted her with a barrage of insults, the Washington Examiner reported.

“And you do know the drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you’re a shut [sic] grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in an Ivy graduate program,” he wrote. “So go f*** yourself Jill let’s all agree I don’t like you any more than you like me.”

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Earlier this week, Jill Biden said during an interview with CNN that she loves and supports Hunter Biden amid a wave of GOP investigations into his allegedly corrupt business dealings, Fox News" rel="nofollow - reported .

The CNN reporter asked, “I want to turn to another issue that has come up amongst Republicans a lot and your son Hunter has really been a target for Republicans over the years and likely will be in the years to come. How does your family deal with that intense focus on Hunter?”

Biden responded by saying, “We deal with it by just, I guess, have a different perspective. I love Hunter and I’ll support him in any way I can and that’s how I look at things.”

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A key business associate of Hunter Biden has been cooperating with House Republicans as they continue to investigate deals involving him and his father, President Joe Biden, regarding business deals with members of the Biden family and foreign entities.

Eric Schwerin, who is not only an associate of Hunter Biden but also had dealings with Joe Biden’s business and tax affairs, is “" rel="nofollow - cooperating ” with a key House committee’s investigation.

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“He is cooperating with us,” House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer said. “His attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis. Now, I feel confident that he’s going to work with us and provide us with the information that we have requested. I think that Schwerwin is going to be a very valuable witness for us in this investigation.”

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The committee recently received information that Hunter Biden and his uncle, James Biden, who is the brother of the President, are not planning to disclose all the information that Comer’s committee has requested regarding the Biden family’s foreign business transactions, which earned millions of dollars from China to Ukraine.

As a result, Comer has announced that his committee will not delay any further and will begin issuing subpoenas right away, Just the News noted.

“We know individuals, many are cooperating with us now, but others, not so much,” he said. “We’re going to start subpoenaing people in the private sector, we’re going to start subpoenaing financial institutions to get us the information. And then we’ll go from there.”

Comer also noted that refusing to assist in the investigation undercuts Hunter Biden’s claims that he doesn’t have anything to hide.

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“He could come in front of the House Oversight Committee right now and defend his good name,” Comer said. “He would have 20 Democrats that would definitely support him, and he could make 26 Republicans look bad if all this information we have from his laptop, all the emails that were in his own words, all the audio that are in his own voice, if for some reason we’re misinterpreting that, then he could make us look bad.

“But we all know that this family was involved in influence peddling. And this administration is doing everything in its ability to try to block oversight,” he continued.

Although both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have refuted any wrongdoing by the Biden family, Hunter Biden is being investigated by federal authorities for tax-related matters.