X:> diskpart DISKPART> 3. Select the hard disk with the select disk command. For example,
DISKPART> select disk 0 4. View the partitions with the list partition command. For example,
DISKPART> list partition DISKPART> list partition Partition ### Type Size Offset ------------- ---------------- ------- ------- Partition 1 Primary 300 MB 1024 KB Partition 2 Primary 200 GB 301 MB
5. Select the partition with the select partition command. For example,
DISKPART> select partition=1 6. Assign a letter to the partition with the assign letter command. For example, Copy
DISKPART> assign letter=S 7. Type exit to return to the Windows PE command prompt.
DISKPART> exit X:\> For more information, see the DiskPart Help from the command line, or Diskpart Command line syntax.
Step 3: Capture Partition Images using DISM
Capture images for each customized partition. 1. At the Windows PE command prompt, capture the images by using the DISM command together with the /captureImage option. For example,
Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:c:\my-windows-partition.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:"My Windows partition" Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:s:\my-system-partition.wim /CaptureDir:S:\ /Name:"My system partition" For more information about using the DISM tool to capture an image, see DISM Image Management Command-Line Options.
Step 4: Save Images to the Network
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save your .wim files to your network or another safe location. 1. Connect to your distribution share by using the net use command. For example,
net use n: \\Server\Share If prompted, provide your network credentials.
2. Copy the partitions to your network share. For example,
md N:\Images\ copy C:\my-windows-partition.wim N:\Images\ copy c:\my-system-partition.wim N:\Images\
making a winPE
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